Intimate Mystery – Dan Allender
Passionate Marriage – David Schnarch
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work – John Gottman
The Mystery of Marriage – Mike Miller

Boundaries – Henry Cloud & John Townsend
The 5 Love Languages – Gary Chapman
Stop Walking on Eggshells – Mason Kreger

How Children Raise Parents – Dan Allender
Parenting With Love and Logic – Foster Cline & Jim Fay
The Drama of the Gifted Child – Alice Miller
Brainstorm – Daniel Siegel
Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters – Meg Meeker
Hunt, Gather, Parent – Michaeleen Doucleff

Codependent No More – Melanie Beattie
Shame and Grace – Lewis Smedes
To Be Told – Dan Allender
Addiction and Grace – Gerald May

Iron John – Robert Bly
Healing the Shame that Binds You – John Bradshaw
False Intimacy – Henry Schaumburg

Dance of Anger – Harriet Lerner
Healing the Wounded Heart – Dan Allender

The Productive Narcissist – Michael Macob
The Narcissism Epidemic – Jean Twenge

Jayber Crow (Novel) – Wendell Berry
The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse – Charlie Mackesy
People of the Lie – M. Scott Peck
The War of Art – Stephen Pressfield
The Sabbath – Abraham Heschel
Maybe You Should Talk To Someone – Lori Gottlieb