Sometimes we find ourselves in a season where we don’t need a regularly occurring counseling appointment or we are facing specific problems that need a “problem solving” approach. There are also times where the resources (time, energy, money, schedule, etc) are not available to engage in more depth oriented work such as therapy or counseling.

In these seasons we have two offerings that are aimed at fitting these needs: Coaching, Retreats, and Self-Directed work.


Coaching differs from counseling in that it is almost entirely present and future oriented. Counseling offers a space to engage in the stories from the past that keep us stuck (or why we refuse to change), whereas coaching engages more strategy, problem solving, and execution on achieving ones goals.

Coaching has many benefits across a wide range of life, sport, work, and home activities. These benefits include insight into specific challenges, solving a particular problem, healthier relationships, and increased sense of purpose and enjoyment of life. Sessions are usually 45-50 minutes, and are scheduled in 4-6 session increments with clearly defined goals that follow the SMART acronym (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely).

Issues that are great for a coaching relationship:
Family gatherings
Sibiling relationships
Work challenges
Asking for a raise at work
Confronting a loved one
Feeling overwhelmed and “behind” in life

Interested in getting started with a coaching relationship? Contact Stephanie


Retreats are a great way to take a step back from the stress and chaos of life to focus on getting traction in your life. Think of these as a jumpstart towards reconciling things in your life that feel incongruent.

Current Retreat Offerings:
Vocational Clarity Retreat

Self-Directed Work

We will be growing our content library geared towards helping you in the specific needs that you are facing. We currently have two programs that are available:

15 Day Relationship Challenge
Quarantine Parenting Project